Thursday, 20 March 2014

Last Few Changes

After watching our opening a few thousand of times, we are still finding things we want to change. As we are constantly making adjustments to our opening, this makes us change our opinion, as well it ruining other parts of the opening such as the sound. There was also a lot of difficulties whilst filming this made the editing process a bit more tricky. Examples of this are, that we had two different people one driving the cab and the other acting in the cab. Therefore we had to layer ALOT of the sound. This causes us a lot of stress, as we have to make sure that the right engine is with the right scene and all that. Also oblivious that we actually needed the engine sound we were all talking like idiots whilst filming, thinking we would just mute the sound. Wrong! This is another thing we have to fix. Of course I leave the worst problem to the last. The Ending. Our ending has caused me such grieve. Thinking about our ending makes me want to huddle in a ball a cry for a good hour. NOTHING sounds real. All the ending dialogue we have record just doesn't sound right. As none of us have ever been kidnapped and thrown in the boot with your/ or a baby (plot twist) it doesn't sound realistic. After, all of us trying and failing, we asked Georgia to help us out. However feedback has stated that it isn't distressed enough. So we have a dilemma.
These are all the other thing that we have to change/fix:

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